By Agung Harsya
In a speech delivered during the national congress of the Indonesian Board of Mosques (DMI) last week, Vice President Boediono sparked a debate when he suggested that mosques should lower the volume of loudspeakers during the daily prayer call.
Mosques in Indonesia use loudspeakers to broadcast the “adzan” five times a day reminding people to pray. Boediono warned that the loud volume might disturb other people, including fellow Muslims. He added that a less noisy call to prayer is more likely to enter a person’s heart rather than loud sounds.
But many Indonesians advised Boediono to address other more important issues. Blogger happydsf [id], voices his concern:
Another blogger, Tototapalnise [id], tries to understand the Vice President’s message:
Haris El Salman [id] said that the loudspeaker’s volume has never been an issue in the real world:
There were also mixed reactions on Twitter [id]:
Previously published on globalvoices.org and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
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Photo credit: Istockphoto.com
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